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Please do, friend! I would love to have you around here. You'll get first word on when the blog, podcast, and new programs drop... you won't want to miss out! Just pop your email in below!

 can i sign up for your emails?! 

Non shaming and blaming is my motto. I take an unconditional compassionate approach to working with you, and this has brought 7 years of success as a social worker/therapist... this ish works!

how would you describe yourself as a coach?

In my 12 week program we get to do a deep-dive on your body image and relationship with food and I link arms with you while we take your steps towards freedom! During an Empower Hour, we set you up so you know what steps to take on your own. 

what's the difference between your main 2 offerings?

Stay tuned, beauty! I'm going to be re-launching my blog soon, as well as I'm going to be dropping a podcast! There's going to be so much fun happening around here!

I follow you on instagram... where else can I connect with you?

My own journey through leaving diet culture after weight-gain due to PCOS, made me wildly passionate about helping other women do the same! When I learnt about what the research actually tells us about dieting, it was a no brainer for me.

why did you choose to build a coaching business around non-dieting?

I live in a small mountain town called The Crowsnest Pass, Alberta!

where are you located?

I wanted to be able to help more women, and specifically with taking a non-diet approach to their wellness! I always said that had I not done my Clinical Social Work Master's I would have wanted to be a health coach, so why not do both?!

What made you want to be a coach after starting a therapy practice?

frequently asked questions